Our Vision

Our vision is that people are healed, that recovery is found and that our community is strengthened. Services for addiction, mental illness and co-occurring disorders are available same day and that our behavioral health landscape shifts to partnership, inclusion and implements authentic peer-based services.

True North Recovery Inc. promotes and highlights the positive experiences of people in long-term recovery and focuses our programs and initiatives on facilitating the benefits of recovery through emphasizing community-based recovery supports, housing, education, and employment. Utilizing today’s best evidenced based modalities of treatment coupled with community connection and peer support helps us individualize care.

We believe in increasing quality of life and accomplish that in partnership with all our clients. True North Recovery Inc. provides individuals with the tools and resources necessary to obtain and sustain long term recovery. Our treatment services, combined with community-based programming, optimizes successful outcomes and increases the quality of life for the those we serve. True North Recovery Inc. exceeds industry standards and strives for excellence in providing same day access to those seeking help.

Our Passion

Our passion and dedication to help our community is the foundation on which True North Recovery was built. We know that recovery from addiction is a lifelong endeavor. We believe recovery offers us a reprieve from the symptoms of addiction, while engaging in our community increases our quality of life. Our active participation in helping and guiding others in their recovery solidifies our own. These interactions foster a thriving and supportive recovery community, which is our foundation for life and as it grows, so do we.